(A Better Childcare Experience)
3118 Mickle Avenue
Bronx, New York 10469-3104
Email: Desireespeaks1arichmind@gmail.com
Early Learning
Ages 3 - 5
Ages 5 - 8
Ages 8 -12
Events & Workshops

Early Learning | June 3 - 4
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Ages 3 - 5
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At A Rich Mind Family Daycare, we are trained in early childhood development through quality childcare.
"It takes time and consistent contact for babies to intimately know and trust caregivers outside the family circle. In order for this kind of meaningful relationship and bonding to develop, it's important that we are available to satisfy each infant's need for attention and affection, not to mention the need for such routine care as feeding, bathing and changing."
"Babies love to hear language and respond by cooing, babbling and making sounds that gradually resemble adult speech. Throughout the first two years, children are attaching meaning to words and understanding a lot more than they can say. The more attention we pay to children's speech, the more we can understand, repeat and use words from their own language. We give them new words to expand their language, thus building a richer, more expressive vocabulary in later years."
(The Whole Child, PBS.org)
At A Rich Mind Family Daycare, we take training courses in the various stages of early child development. Quality childcare is crucial.
"At this age, your child will seem to be continually on the go—running, kicking, climbing, jumping. His attention span, which was never particularly long, may now seem even shorter. Try starting a game with him, and he’ll immediately change to a different one. Head in one direction, and he’ll quickly detour to another. This yearlong energy spurt between ages two and three certainly will keep you on the go. But take heart—his activity level will strengthen his body and develop his coordination.
In the months ahead, your child’s running will become smoother and more coordinated. He’ll also learn to kick and direct the motion of a ball, walk up and down steps by himself while holding on, and seat himself confidently in a child-size chair. With a little help, he’ll even be able to stand on one leg."
At A Rich Mind Family Daycare, we are aware of the importance of quality childcare throughout childhood development.
Preschoolers are open to learning numbers and letters and in beginning reading and simple math. This is also a critical period for music. They are also improving their gross motor and fine motor skills which gets them interested in art, crafts, and all kinds of ride-on toys (wagons, scooters, bikes, etc) and early sports skills and often participating in organized sports by the end of this developmental period. The most important mode of learning during this period is playing. Make believe play of all kinds is attractive and fosters the development of language, socialization, and creativity. Interest in exploring their environment promotes an early interest in science. They also like to build things out of items around the house as well as building sets like Legos, Kinex, blocks, and others.
At A Rich Mind Family Daycare, we recognize the importance of childcare in each stage of early childhood development.
Parents of gradeschoolers have a lot to think about. Trying to encourage healthy living and helping your child develop a positive self-image all while going through puberty can have its challenges. Nutrition is important to normal growth processes, and thus you should make an effort to ensure that your child consumes a well-balanced diet. Your child's need for calories rises during times of rapid growth, gradually increasing as she moves through middle childhood into puberty. For most parents, seeing that their child has a good education is one of their highest priorities. They recognize that education is not only an important part of growing up but is also a crucial factor in their child's future.